What we're listening to

The Model Health Show, episode 193: Ending Fat Controversy and How to Eat Fat, Get Thin – Dr. Mark Hyman

Rdella Training, episode 168: Shawn Stevenson – The Most Underrated Habit for Health and Performance

The Tim Ferris Show, episodes 37 and 38: Tony Robbins on Morning Routines, Peak Performance, and Mastering Money

What we're watching

Thomas Myers from Anatomy Trains breaks down why massage (myofascial release therapy), exercise or any forms of structural integration therapy hurts. He gives some amazing insight on pain in general and why your perception of it might have more to do with that sensation.

A film by Victor Gathing. Quotes and philosophy: Ido Portal, http://www.idoportal.com. Homage: Quentin Tarantinto (we are all big fans).

Good sleeping habits. Pillow and neck and shoulder optimization. MobilityWOD is the ultimate guide to resolving pain, preventing injury, and optimizing athletic performance.

Gil Hedley, Ph.D. gives a lesson on the importance of movement and stretching to maintain the sliding properties of tissues in the body. For more information please visit Dr Hedley's website at www.gilhedley.com. (All credit for this video go to Dr Hedley and his team.)

Frank Forencich presents the Exuberant Animal method to the Stanford Design School. Rapport, team-building, creativity and play.

In this video, Santa, I mean Tim, gives a favorite morning reset routine for Christmas. Check it out. This video is especially for Chris Farley fans. www.OriginalStrength.net

A man’s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time — pills or stairs

— Joan Welsh